Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boys Over Flowers

Just when my lunch plans were cancelled and I sighed with relief as it meant that I had more time to write this afternoon, my friend emails me the link to a Korean drama website. If you've never watched a Korean drama and love romantic story lines and convoluted plots, you must give it a try! It's addictive. Like romance novels.

The site has Chinese and Japanese dramas too. Plots and story lines are similar, but they differ a little in style.

Anyway, the one I'm watching now is "Boys Over Flowers". It's originally a Japanese manga of which there is an English version (published by VIZ in the states) and now a Korean drama. My sister watched this a while ago and liked it, and my friend read the manga and liked it. So here I am...not doing what I'm supposed to.

But, I'm limiting myself to one episode a day countered by a visit to the gym. Balance is the key.

And my resolution for today: to finish my revision of Chapter 2!

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