Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter 11

No, not that kind of Chapter 11! Thank goodness, and knock on wood.

I finished Chapter 10 today, ready to move onto Chapter 11 later today. If I'm lucky, I will finish all of it by tomorrow. I have a feeling it will be an easy chapter. I'm back on the kick of just writing to get the book done so that I can start revisions. Really, I don't think it's possible to write the perfect book in one sitting by thinking through it slowly and plotting each word and paragraph. If you can do it, I'm jealous.

Not really in the mood for writing today, either. I had the most frightening dream. I've had two rather frightening dreams the past few months. It always involves a serial or deranged killer of some sorts. No one I know dies, but the murder itself is gruesome and I'm afraid the killer will come after me. I feel very disoriented and weird when I wake up from these dreams. I should google this to see what it means for my psyche.

Page/Word Count:
71 pages
37,560 words

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